What is the procedure like?

Who is it for?
Choose this package if you want to identify the cause of your allergy.

How should I prepare for my lab tests?
There are no special preparations required.

When will the results be available?
You will get your test results within 7 business days.

Where can I have my tests done?
A list of all diagnostic laboratories is available
here. Pick a location and time. There is no need to make an appointment in advance. Just generate a code for the tests and have your MultiLife user ID at the ready. With this information, go to your nearest diagnostic lab.

What tests are included in the package?

  • Food allergy panel III (10 allergens) – measurement of the serum levels of IgE-specific antibodies to a panel of food allergens including single allergens and mixtures of several allergens. The panel includes allergens (single or mixed): cow’s milk (f2); egg white (f1); egg yolk (f75); casein (f78, Bos d8); soy (f14); rice (f9); cocoa (f93); apple (f49); carrot (f31); mixed flours of gluten-containing cereals: wheat (f4), rye (f5), barley (f6) and oats (f7), and cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD),
  • Total IgE – determination of total serum IgE, useful in the diagnostic work-up for parasitic diseases and helpful in allergy diagnosis.

All the tests are done on a blood sample.

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