Work-life balance or work-life integration – which approach is better for you and your company?

Nowadays, many of us find it hard to keep up with the overwhelming pace of life and manage the multitude of tasks and obligations. Scheduling duties and responsibilities, both in the private and professional life, often turns out to be a major challenge. For this reason, there’s been a lot of talk lately about ways of balancing these major competing spheres of life. Usually, a distinction is made between two concepts: work-life balance (seeking to find an equilibrium between personal and professional lives) and work-life integration (combining and blurring boundaries between the work and life domains).

Aleksandra Łomzik
Living in the spirit of work-life balance

Work-life balance is a binary approach where you separate your private and professional life, and prioritize them equally. Advocates of this approach try not to bring work home. The moment they close the office door, either literally or metaphorically (when working remotely), they put on hold their work-related commitments and leave all unfinished business until the next working day. The same applies to their private life, which is kept separate from the professional space. In this way, they are able to commit fully to their work without being distracted by private matters.

Main rules of work-life integration

Work-life integration is essentially the opposite of the concept described above. The approach involves the blurring of the boundaries between the private and professional spheres and their seamless integration. According to the concept, busy employees can find a compromise between both these domains instead of viewing them as isolated entities. The compromise will be different from person to person, but it can, for instance, involve doing household chores while participating in a conference call with co-workers or completing another assignment in a personal development course. Another illustrative example is bringing the child to work when schools are closed. 

Work-life balance or work-life integration? Which alternative is better?

Each of us is different. We have different sets of commitments as well as distinct priorities and life philosophies. Consequently, there’s no ideal one-size-fits-all way of dealing with all responsibilities. However, it’s possible to point out the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. Employees should decide for themselves which of the concepts is better suited to their personal situation: type of work and lifestyle factors.