How to keep your liver healthy?

New year is not only a good time for new year resolutions, but also a perfect moment to reinvent the way you care for your body, which includes supporting the liver function. In this article, you will learn which diet and lifestyle changes will lead to good detoxification processes that will make you feel better without the need for any special detox treatments.

Małgorzata Pielichowska

Greasy fried foods, inactivity, and alcohol have an adverse effect on the liver, which is responsible for a range of functions in the human body, such as detoxifying it of potentially harmful substances, e.g. medicines or heavy metals. But contrary to what the Internet tells us, you do not need any special detox treatments at all, it is enough to implement a bunch of dietary and lifestyle changes and let your liver ‘do its job’. And it’s not the liver alone, as your intestines, kidneys, and skin contribute to the removal of harmful substances from your body as well. You should also bear in mind that good habits support the function of the mitochondria, the organelles whose job is primarily to produce energy for the cells, but also to reduce free radicals, which cause cell damage when present in excess (thus aggravating inflammation in the body and deteriorating the function of all organs, including the liver). So it is important to take a holistic perspective on your body. How do you do that?